Assessing and addressing our ESG risks and opportunities

As an organisation at the leading edge of the low-carbon transition, and a Taskforce for Climate related Disclosure (TCFD) Supporter, we’re committed to providing full transparency and sharing of relevant information regarding our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) progress.

We work with third-party ratings agencies and utilise ESG reporting standards and frameworks to communicate and benchmark our ESG performance, as detailed in our Sustainability Report. Our metrics and ratings are updated annually and enable us to share the progress of our ESG ambitions.

Our contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals


affordable clean energy    climate action


UN Global Compact Principles

Principle 7:

Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges

Principle 8:

Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility

Principle 9:

Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies

SMS objective

Reduce environmental impacts across our operations in line with our net zero roadmap.

2025 Long Term Goal:
50% decrease in fleet emissions (compared to 2019) by 2025.

Performance Indicator:
Kg CO2e/ vehicle

2023 Performance:
2% decrease


2025 Long Term Goal:
40% decrease in the emissions density of our building estate (compared to 2019 baseline) by 2025.

Performance Indicator:
Kg CO2e/ m2

2023 Performance:
37% decrease


good health and well-being     gender-equality    decent work and economic growth

UN Global Compact Principles

Principle 1:

Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights

Principle 3:

Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

Principle 6:

The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

SMS objective

Work with our employees to drive down our injury rate

2025 Long Term Goal:
Year on year reduction in injuries

Performance Indicator:
Lost Time Injury Rate (LTIR) – 0.3 in 2023

Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR). 1.03 in 2023

Reduce gender pay gap

2025 Long Term Goal:
Continue to provide visibility of our equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) practices. Ensure everyone within SMS is provided with equal opportunity and protected from discrimination

Performance Indicator:
1 Annual Gender Pay Gap Report per Year (with accompanying narrative).

2023 Performance:
Gender Pay Gap report released, 19.5% Mean Gender pay gap in hourly pay.

Continually review and improve provision of comprehensive, competitive and equitable reward and benefits, and ensure all employees are paid at least the Real Living Wage

2025 Long Term Goal:
Become ‘Investors In People’ Accredited.

Performance Indicator:
Investors in People Assessment.

2023 Performance:
Progressed from ‘One to Watch’ to ‘One star’ Best Companies status.


peace, justice, and strong institutions


UN Global Compact Principles

Principle 2:

Make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses

Principle 4:

The elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour

Principle 5:

The effective abolition of child labour

Principle 10:

Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery

SMS objective

Maintain our ISO certified management systems

2025 Long Term Goal:
Retain all 5 certifications

Performance Indicator:
ISO certifications retained

2023 Performance:

Engage Tier 1 vendors to identify their ISO14001 status, and work with key suppliers to obtain improvements within their ISO14001 accreditation or their environmental policy

2025 Long Term Goal:

80% of Tier 1 vendors to hold ISO14001 or a robust Environmental policy 2025

Performance Indicator:
Tier 1 vendors with ISO14001 or Environmental Policy in place

2023 Performance:



Maintain zero cyber security breaches

2025 Long Term Goal:
Data Exfiltration of Personal Identifiable Information (PII)

Performance Indicator:
0 Cyber Security Breaches Data Exfiltration

2023 Performance:

Download our Sustainability Report

Our annual Sustainability Report provides detailed disclosure on the practical steps we are taking to progress Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) responsibilities within our business strategy, culture, and everyday operations, propelled by our core company values.

Download Sustainability Report

Discover more

Father holding child SUSTAINABILITY

A sustainable and low-carbon environment for all

Inspired by our core value of Sustainability, we are committed to improving our impacts on the environment, our communities, and wider society around us through responsible operations and best-practice corporate governance.

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Image showing a landscape with Green fields NET ZERO 2030

Our journey to carbon neutrality

Our Net Zero 2030 target, announced in 2021, will see SMS drastically reduce organisational carbon emissions in order to achieve a balance of carbon neutrality across our business.

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Engineer working at sunset ESG RATINGS

Assessing and addressing our ESG risks and opportunities

As an organisation at the leading edge of the low-carbon transition, and a Taskforce for Climate related Disclosure (TCFD) Supporter, we’re committed to providing full transparency and sharing of relevant information regarding our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) progress.

Discover more