Corporate governance

Our corporate governance statement and information about our policies.

It is the Board’s role to ensure that the Group is managed for the long-term benefit of all of its stakeholders. We believe in effective and efficient decision making in a manner that incorporates the needs of our many stakeholders. Corporate governance is one of the important parts of the Group’s strategy and our aim of continual improvement of our processes and risk management, whilst supporting the continued growth of the business, is vital in the ever-evolving corporate governance regime we adhere to.

Consistent with prior years, we adopt the Quoted Companies Alliance’s Corporate Governance Code (the QCA Code), published in April 2018.

We are delighted to confirm that the Board has applied the principles and complied with all the provisions of the QCA Code throughout FY 2021. Our Corporate governance report on pages 77 to 89 of the 2021 Annual Report sets this out.

Whilst the Company does not currently adopt the UK Corporate Governance Code (most recently updated in 2018), it endeavours to stay up to date with its requirements and continues to adopt elements of it, where appropriate.

The key elements of the Company’s corporate governance arrangements can be found within our 2021 Annual Report.